April 10th, 2024
May 2023 - Dan Bazan, Communications Director
American Prep Receives Accolades at the Prestigious 2023 Best of State Gala
American Prep is delighted to announce that we received significant recognition at the 2023 Best of State Gala, held this past May at the Salt Palace Convention Center. Our team was honored to be present at this prestigious event, where our organization was privileged to receive not one but ten Best of State Awards, distinguishing our remarkable individuals and programs in categories such as early childhood education, employee training, and music instruction. This recognition serves as a testament to our team's hard work, dedication, and talent at American Prep.
Here's a rundown of the 2023 awards that American Prep received:
Education Category
Arts & Entertainment Category
The recognition of our incredible team and programs at the gala further fuels our commitment to creating a brighter future through quality education.
Thank you to all those who have supported and believed in our program and to our team for making these achievements possible through your leadership and commitment to our students.
April 2023 - Hold onto your hats, folks! We're absolutely ecstatic to announce that the 2023 Best of State Utah Award winners have been revealed, and American Prep has received ten awards! We are so grateful to have many, many talented people in our APA family that bring the very best education and support to our students and families. Join us in a virtual round of applause for these Best of State Utah superstars!
Arts & Entertainment
Below are more details about each American Prep award winner:
Jennifer Walstad has been a driving force behind the transformation of public education for over two decades. As District Academic Director, Jennifer oversees all training and professional development for the Academic American Prep staff. She is a highly qualified educator with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and Theater Arts from Southern Utah University and a Master's Degree in Education Leadership from Central Michigan University.
Jennifer Brown was a natural choice to become the Administrative Director of APA Bright Beginnings Staff Childcare program in 2017, given her extensive experience and passion for early childhood education.
Since taking on the role of Administrative Director, Jennifer has been instrumental in the growth and success of the APA Bright Beginnings staff childcare program. She has expanded the program to four locations in just six years and developed a curriculum and coaching system for the staff. She is also responsible for the safety and maintenance of each center and for maintaining positive relationships with parents, staff, and children.
Under Jennifer's leadership, the program has thrived, serving up to 100
Trina Christensen - Seminar Training/Education & Individual Music Instruction
Trina Christensen is the Director of Sistema Utah, APA’s award-winning
Trina Christensen has received eight Best of State Utah Awards over the last 6 years along with many other accolades from community and industry leaders.
Connie averages 54 volunteer hours in music education and community outreach each month, totaling about 650 hours total for the year. Her professional and volunteer work helps to improve APA's music programs through grant writing, fundraising, and managing grant compliance. Connie also supports our programs locally through staff training and professional development, coaching, coordinating instruments for families in need, as well as scheduling community performances along-side her counterpart, Trina Christensen, at West Valley 2.
We are honored to have Connie McCullough share her love of music education at American Prep and in our community. Please join us in congratulating Connie on her Best of State Award for Early Childhood Music Education.
Sistema Utah - Multiple Awards
As the largest non-profit El Sistema-inspired program in Utah, Sistema Utah forms an integral part of the after-school offerings at American Preparatory Academy. Inspired by the El Sistema movement started by Dr. Jose Abreu in Caracas, Venezuela, 46 years ago, Sistema Utah continues to enrich the lives of students and the broader community through its unwavering dedication to music education.
June Update
Our American Prep team was honored to attend the 2022 Best of State Gala at the Salt Palace Convention Center in May. Our staff was fortunate to be recognized with 10 Best of State Awards for outstanding achievement in special education, music education, administration, volunteer service, and teaching. We are inspired by the incredible team and programs at American Prep.
Summary of our 2022 awards:
Category: Education
Category: Arts & Entertainment
Category: Community Development
A shout-out to another American Prep staff member and professional photographer, Dawn McBride. This is Dawn’s second Best of State Utah Award for Fuzzy Love Photography. She has been featured on KSL TV and was named the #1 pet photographer in SLC by Peerspace in 2021.
In addition to being an award-winning photographer, Dawn is also an admin for our team and does terrific work every day for our American Prep community.
Category: Visual Arts
Best of State Utah results have been announced, and we are excited to share that American Prep won TEN awards in several categories. Congratulations to our incredible staff and programs for another year of outstanding performance.
Mr. Hollinger served in the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman for just over 21 years, serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon. He finished his final three military years providing medical care to SEAL Team 5 out of Coronado, CA.
The stories and ability to teach that come from Craig's experiences during his Naval career are immeasurable. Not only is he well-loved by students and parents, but he is respected and admired by colleagues as well.
Mr. Hollinger's accomplishments are extensive and his imprint on American
Mr. Hollinger is also a certified Stop the Bleed Instructor as well as Fight Back Nation Instructor supporting schools in training their teachers to fight back against active shooters.
We are honored to have Mr. Hollinger at American Prep and we hope you will join us in congratulating him on his Best of State Award and thanking him for his service, and commitment to educating our students.
These are just a few of the many achievements that Mrs. Sharette has accomplished in charter education. Her work over the last 20 years has benefited thousands of students and all charter schools in Utah. We are grateful for her incredible commitment to education and our students.
Not only is Hannah an outstanding student and leader, she loves to volunteer her time to mentor others, build them up with kindness, and help them to succeed in any endeavor. Her goal in life is to do all that she can to brighten the lives of others through service and student mentoring. To date, she has volunteered a total of 850 hours during her high school career.
In addition to her academic studies, student government work, and music classes, Hannah loves to do community service by providing the gift of music to others. Since 2009, Hannah has volunteered for the Utah Philharmonic Orchestra, the Intermountain Suzuki String Institute, and many other organizations. She has served as a Sistema Utah student mentor, the World Ensemble Ambassador, and published articles in the World Ensemble Newsletters. Hannah continues to contribute her talents as a musician to many organizations across Utah.
Hannah Christensen is an exemplary leader and has had significant experience in student government at American Preparatory Academy.
Please join us in congratulating Hannah Christensen for her incredible volunteer service, her outstanding work ethic, and in recognition of her Best of State Utah Award.
Trina has served in many capacities for various music education and Suzuki organizations over the years. Her experience in these many roles has helped to shape her teaching style and the quality of her training. Trina has served as Public Relations Chair, Liaisons, Specialists, Directors, and more. When Trina came to American Prep in 2013, she started as a Sistema Parent Specialist and after two years, was offered the position as a Sistema Director at West Valley 2.
Trina Christensen has provided exceedingly high-quality music education to our West Valley APA students and many musicians around the world. We are excited for the recognition of her incredible work and hope you will join us in congratulating Mrs. Christensen for her Best of State Awards in Seminar Training/Education and Individual Music Instruction.
Connie averages 54 volunteer hours in music education and community outreach each month, totaling about 650 hours total for the year. Her professional and volunteer work helps to improve APA's music programs through grant writing, fundraising, and managing grant compliance. Connie also supports our programs locally through staff training and professional development, coaching, coordinating instruments for families in need, as well as scheduling community performances along-side her counterpart, Trina Christensen, at West Valley 2.
We are honored to have Connie McCullough share her love of music education at American Prep and in our community. Please join us in congratulating Connie on her Best of State Award for Early Childhood Music Education.
American Prep - We are honored to receive the Best of State Award for the Special Education Program category for the second year in a row. We will continue to provide the best education possible for students with special needs while eliminating the stigma consistent with traditional special education programs.
Here are three ways that APA excels in the field of Special Education:
Emotional Safety: American Prep reduces stigma and the resulting mental and emotional harm by serving our special needs students alongside their peers instead of in “pull-out” settings whenever possible.
Academic Success: American Prep’s special needs students outperform similar students academically across Utah in all grade levels and subjects tested.
Exceptional Satisfaction: 99.3% of our parents are highly satisfied or satisfied with their child’s special education program. Achieving high satisfaction from the parents is critical to a charter school, and American Prep has consistently demonstrated high parental satisfaction and passionate parent support.
Emotional Safety: 92% of our special education students successfully receive their education alongside their peers in an inclusive, non-stigmatized environment. This FAR EXCEEDS the Utah state target of 58%. American Prep ensures, to the extent possible, that our special-needs students do not experience the mental and emotional harm of isolation and stigma. Our innovative model addresses a serious public health crisis in Utah - the mental well-being of our children.
Our American Prep team was honored to attend 2021 Best of State Gala at the Salt Palace Convention Center this week. Our team won several awards that are representative of the incredible work they do every day. Please join us in celebrating these moments of recognition. We are encouraged to continue this great work into the new year.
Summary of our 2021 awards:
Category: Education
Category: Arts & Entertainment
A shout-out to another Best of State Utah winner this year, Dawn McBride. Dawn is an admin for our team and does terrific work every day for our American Prep community. She is an incredibly talented and creative photographer. We work with some truly gifted people.
Category: Visual Arts
Pet/Wildlife Photography: Fuzzy Love Photography - Dawn McBride
Category of Education
Award - Special Education Program - American Prep
Our Special Education program was recognized in 2021 for its forward-thinking approach to teaching students with special needs.
American Prep has demonstrated nearly 20 years of outstanding academic success and emotional health for our special needs students. At APA, we know that all children, including those with special needs, must one day "meet and navigate the real world." When students are pulled out of class, they miss critical instruction and opportunities to socialize with their peers resulting in two detrimental outcomes: stigma with resulting emotional harm and academic inequities. To avoid these outcomes, American Prep educates its special needs students alongside their peers to the maximum extent possible or in the "least restrictive environment" (LRE). Additionally, we keep our students' designations as "disabled" confidential to the greatest extent possible to reduce harmful stigma.
For many of our founding parents, their experience was that when students are "pulled out" of their homeroom, it was evident to all the students that their peers have special needs. This distinction results in stigma and leads to severe, long-lasting emotional harm. In Utah, we see this expressed in skyrocketing levels of depression, anxiety, and suicide among Utah's youth. It is sobering to realize that adults who had an IEP as a child are 46% more likely to attempt or complete suicide.
American Prep places the elimination of stigma for our special needs students as one of our highest priorities. Our founding parents were committed to creating a school where these distinctions were not transparent to the student body. They believed that students with IEPs could feel secure and happy--free from the stigma of being
labeled "special needs" or "disabled". The commitment to addressing students' social-emotional and academic needs resulted in our innovative, effective "Inclusive Education" model that we offer today.
Our American Prep Special Education team serves over 540 Special Education students at five elementary, three junior high, and two high schools across six American Prep campuses.
Click here to learn more about our Inclusive Education program at APA.
Category of Arts & Entertainment
Award - Community Music Program - Sistema Utah
Best of State Utah has recognized our Sistema program for its impact to our local community. Sistema is part of our after-school program, which is the largest after-school program in our state. Our Sistema Directors, Connie McCullough and Trina Christensen, are responsible for the music instruction of over 350 students and 30 staff members.
Award - Musical Instruments - Sistema Utah
Best of State Utah recognized our Sistema program for the expansive instruments that we offer through our program. Our students have access to education five days per week for three additional hours per day in addition to their regular school day. They learn various instruments like violin, viola, cello, piano, guitar, flute, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, trombone, and bucket band.
While many music and arts programs are being defunded in many districts and states, our Sistema music program staff find resources from our community to provide a dynamic free program for all West Valley students.
About Sistema Utah
Sistema Utah is a FREE after-school music program at our West Valley 1 and 2 campuses serving close to 350 low-income students in West Valley City. Our Sistema program is offered daily for 15 hours each week, offering various group instrument choices, including violin, viola, cello, piano, guitar, flute, trumpet, and more. Every student receives three classes daily, including group instrument, general music, choir, and homework help.
Best of State Utah has recognized our Sistema program for its impact to our local community. Sistema is part of our after-school program, which is the largest after-school program in our state. Our Sistema Directors, Connie McCullough and Trina Christensen, are responsible for the music instruction of over 350 students and 30 staff members.
About El Sistema: El Sistema began 43 years ago in a parking garage in Caracas, Venezuela, by Dr. Jose Abreu. Founded in October 2013, Sistema Utah is now the most extensive, non-profit El Sistema program in Utah and a core part of the after-school program at American Preparatory Academy.
Click here to learn more about Sistema Utah.
Category - Sports & Recreation
Award - High School Coach - Eva Peterson
Best of State Utah recognized our West Valley 2 Cheerleading Coach, Eva Peterson, for her outstanding efforts at American Prep. Mrs. Peterson is a health science teacher and an experienced Cheer coach. In 2020, she inspired her cheer team to compete for the first time in State competitions. The cheer program began as a 3-week intensive course that was held in 2016, 2017, 2018. Then, after much anticipation, an official cheer team was created in 2019.
Mrs. Peterson taught that cheerleading is always about others: serving others, supporting others, and cheering on others. She also taught basic principles of committing to a team, working as a team, and being a good team player. Mrs. Peterson took a group of 35 students and transformed them into cheerleaders. The
students demonstrated their desire to reach for the stars and be genuinely competitive by committing to long practices, learning new skills, and trusting Mrs. Peterson. The team competed and won the 2021 2A State Cheerleading competition during one of the most challenging years in our school's history for many events, practices, and performances were canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Mrs. Peterson credits her athletes and her Assistant Coach, Rachel Neil, for overcoming the impossible.
Award - Community Music Program – Sistema Utah
Best of State Utah recognized APA's Sistema Utah program with the Community Music Program in both 2020 and 2021. To learn more about this award, click here.
Award - Musical Instruments – Sistema Utah
Best of State Utah recognized APA's Sistema Utah program with the Musical Instruments Award in both 2020 and 2021. To learn more about this award, click here.
Category - Education
Award - Arts in Education – Sistema Utah
Education - Management/Employee Training - Trina Christensen
Education - Early Childhood Music Education - Trina Christensen
Best of State Utah recognized APA's Sistema Utah program for providing such a profound music program for so many students in an underserved community like West Valley City.
Award - Early Childhood Music Education – Trina Christensen
Best of State Utah recognized APA's Sistema Utah p
Families of Sistema Utah students can be reassured that their kids are in a safe place after school and can be confident that their children are continuing to learn and build character.
The mission of Sistema Utah is to change the world through music one student at a time, which has proven to be a worthy mission for thousands of West Valley students.
Award - Management and Employee Training- Trina Christensen
Best of State Utah recognized Sistema Utah Director Trina Christensen for her outstanding work in management and teacher training.
Trina's comprehensive experience in music performance, theory, and instruction has helped her execute employee training and management of music programs for over two decades.
At American Pep, Trina is responsible for hiring and training Sistema Utah teachers at her campus while maintaining compliance and licensing documents for each of them. Trina enforces safety protocols for her staff and students. She also organizes required teacher training throughout the year, providing coaching, guest speakers, and quarterly one-on-one meetings to ensure each staff member receives support. Trina coordinates fundraising campaigns, supplies, instrument donations, and volunteers from community partners and parents.
In addition to directing our after-school music program, Trina is actively involved in the Suzuki Association of
Utah in numerous roles, including Violin Region Chair and Association President. She has supported the
Intermountain Suzuki String Institute for 15 years as the Director of Operations and Finance and still teaches private lessons.
Trina partners in her Directing role with our West Valley 1 campus Director Connie McCullough, providing the most extensive after-school program offered by any public school in our state.
Award - Charter School: American Prep School for New Americans
Best of State Utah recognized American Preparatory Academy as the best charter school in 2017 for its outstanding efforts and achievements in education.
Founded in 2003, American Prep began as an idea from a group of parents who wanted a better education for their children. This idea has grown into a seven-campus charter district serving over 5,000 students in Utah. The American Prep model continues to strengthen through the support of our community and the innovations of our staff and leadership.
2021 marks the 18th year of the American Prep charter.